Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Juice Fast Journal: Day 4

I'm partaking in a 5-day juice fast. To read more about it, and see how you can do it too, check out: The Juice Fast Rules
I am going to keep a daily journal, which will be posted at the end of each day. Wish me luck! When this is all over, I will be a happier, healthier, more energetic self!

Juice Fast Journal: Day 1
Juice Fast Journal: Day 2
Juice Fast Journal: Day 3
Juice Fast Journal: Day 5


Wow, no post until now, today has been busy! Today has been considerably easier. I am still drinking my citrus juice from this morning (delicious, tasty, and, I'm sure, full of sugar) I have had a few co-workers asking me about what I'm doing - most in disbelief at what I am doing. Unfortunately, one of my co-workers is making Chicken and Dumplings tonight, and I have to say no :( So that's a downside. Of course, I suppose I could go make a juice, and then head on over to his reason to be anti-social.

I am not having a whole lot of physical reactions to the fast today. A headache at one point - I upped the water intake, and drank some juice. Pretty simple. I do still have the gross taste in my mouth, but that's to be expected as part of detox. I slept longer last night, but was still tired this morning. The important thing is: I have not had any negative effects on my work (either professional or personal). The Juice fast is making me feel better, and I'm very happy about that! 

Also, more weight loss this morning - 2 more pounds. This can be so damn encouraging - I'm 18 pounds lighter than I was just 81 hours ago. I grant that a good deal of that is water weight (most, in fact, is likely water weight), but to have 18 fewer pounds wearing on your joints just makes you feel a whole heck of a lot better!


It's interesting - I don't have a whole lot to journal about regarding the juice fast. I'm drinking less juice than I thought I would, but I'm honestly not missing food right now. I'm not facing major side effects, or massive challenges. I'm pretty much back into living my life, with the juice as an afterthought. This evening, when I was hungry, I prepared my dinner - except instead of chopping vegetables and cooking them up, I chopped up fruits and vegetables and juiced them. I'm amazed at how much it doesn't feel strange to be juicing. It honestly feels like I've been doing it all my life - the fact that I'm very open about it at work, and I'm blogging about it daily helps too, I'm sure.

I think the thing that will be most difficult, if I choose to extend (and I think I will), is when I go to Dallas this weekend to hang out with friends. Food is always part of that relationship, as is drinking. I usually drink coffee at home (my parents house) and I developed a lot of my poor eating habits in that house. I'd be concerned about the environmental factors I might face. 

We shall see how I handle it. It's difficult to eat healthy when you are somewhere for a short amount of time - consider that if you buy fruits and vegetables, you can't just buy what looks good and come up with a plan, it feels like you need to have a plan before shopping, which takes forethought. Not impossible, but more difficult. That will certainly be a great challenge, though!


I think I'm feeling real, true, hunger pangs. I have not had any greens in my juices today (this plan seriously needs some work) and I've heard that it's the greens that actually "feed" you. The nutrient density of the greens (I assume) give you the nourishment you need, whereas the more fruit/sugar related juices do not provide this nourishment. I am set to have Sunset juice (sweet/fruit) for breakfast and Mean Green for lunch. I think I'll change that and do Mean Green for breakfast, Sunset for Lunch. I'm like...seriously hungry right now. Hopefully I'll make it through the night. The hunger is even a bit painful - if the Mean Green doesn't fix this, then I'll go ahead and break the fast. Weird change of mind, but I have a really solid idea that the Mean Green will fix this. Interesting turn of events.

Juice on Everyone!

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