Sunday, February 10, 2013

Juice Fast Journal: Day 2

I'm partaking in a 5-day juice fast. To read more about it, and see how you can do it too, check out: The Juice Fast Rules
I am going to keep a daily journal, which will be posted at the end of each day. Wish me luck! When this is all over, I will be a happier, healthier, more energetic self!

Juice Fast Journal: Day 1
Juice Fast Journal: Day 3
Juice Fast Journal: Day 4
Juice Fast Journal: Day 5

Day 2 - Blech


I woke up about 9:30 (actually, exactly 9:30) and I was up. I think I slept really well last night, because I feel incredibly well rested. I don't think that is actually from the Juice Fast, though, I'm pretty sure that it's because this is my first weekend without a lot of travel - I've been driving back and forth between Houston and Dallas every week for 4 weeks now. I haven't yet had my juice - I'm not hungry at all, so I think I'll have to force myself to drink it. Shower felt great - and I used a new soap (Dr. Bronners - if you haven't discovered it yet - is an awesome product, and you can use it for everything). I also lost 6 pounds since yesterday - this is mostly a combination of water weight and, um, ahem, the food that was still in my digestive system which is no longer there (that was delicate enough, right?)


I realized that the whole not being hungry thing in the morning was good. Now, instead of having Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, I can keep the order of my juices, but change the timing. I had my first juice about 11:30. I've just poured my second juice (from the same Mean Green). The Homemade V8 (supposed to be Lunch) will probably not get made/consumed until about 3 or 4. I like it! I did kind of realize just how much fruit is part of this menu - I expect I will change that soon. Usually, I make a mostly vegetable juice with perhaps an apple in it to add some sweetness. In the old days, I would have used maybe 5-10 apples for a 5 day fast, vs. the 16 that this menu calls for. 

Also, I was just in the bathroom, and I noticed my face already looks clearer. Now, I admit, this is partially because of the increased water intake over the past month, and the healthier diet I've been trying to eat, but I have to believe part of it is due directly to the juice (and also partially due to the new soap, I suppose). Feeling good. I'm having cravings still (it's only day 2) but they are less "painful". I'm talking a psychological pain, not a physical, I really wanted tortilla chips when I walked by them.

Lastly, since this is a kick-off to weight loss, I have decided that when I get to 200 pounds in weight, I will reward myself with a trip around the world. I've created a new savings goal, and will be putting away toward  that goal. Anyone want to join me? I figure 21 days for the travel. I'm going to outline the thought behind this reward in a separate post, because I want to keep these journals nice and succinct.


Homemade V8 is not as lovely as I had hoped. I think I need to get a strainer - I'm getting boatloads of pulp out of my leafy greens. A cup of ground up parsley is not tasty - it's actually quite nasty. It's really nasty. I'm choking this down. The flavor is okay - almost like Tabbouleh, but other than that...blech. The good news is, I'm highly productive today - getting my room set up, and getting a lot of work done on the blog. (Changes are coming...I won't say what, but they are coming. Get ready for a ride!) On a side note: I rather like this whole "living minimalist" style. I can be moved in to a new place in a few days - the last house I was at (where most of my "stuff" still is) never got fully unpacked.


The Homemade V8 sucks. A lot. I just do not enjoy drinking this at all. I'm looking forward to the next juice, hopefully to get this taste out of my mouth. I think I'm going to re-make this menu. I took the menu from another site, and they are just not tasty. The juices I make are much better tasting (and no, I am not just adding a bunch of apples to make it sweet), but the combinations in these juices are just not that tasty. Also, a strainer is mandatory - this pulp just gets sickening after a while. Tomorrow, I'm getting lunch with my boss at Roots Juice, so hopefully a nice storebought juice will be tastier - proven recipes. Also, how nice of my boss to accommodate my juice fasting needs!


Bed time! But first, the harrowing conclusion to the story about the Victim of the V8. I poured it out. An entire glass of juice was poured out because it was so nasty. I was choking it down, minding my own business, when out of no where, I noticed that the juice had taken on a life of its own. "Look out" I said. but it was too late. The juice had separated - all of the liquidy goodness had been trapped by a massive layer of what can only be described as some sort of pond scum. 
Who would drink that?
So...I'll make edits to my document which outlines the menu for this week. Homemade V8 is out! (It really doesn't taste anything remotely close to what I remember V8 tasting like the one time I tried it when I was about 12). I didn't even dare taste the liquid at the bottom, though I was curious what it would taste like. My money is on "pond scum". If I had never juiced before, and was handed this, I would never, ever, juice.

Fortunately, the Pink Kale recipe was actually quite delicious. It's for breakfast tomorrow as well. Kale, Apple, Beet, Lime, and Watermelon - it's a bit sweet, but much more tasty, and just what I needed. Seriously, if the only thing I had for sustenance in my life was that Homemade V8, I would have died in 3 days. Blech.

Goodnight all.

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