Saturday, February 9, 2013

Juice Fast Journal: Day 1

I'm partaking in a 5-day juice fast. To read more about it, and see how you can do it too, check out: The Juice Fast Rules
I am going to keep a daily journal, which will be posted at the end of each day. Wish me luck! When this is all over, I will be a happier, healthier, more energetic self!

Juice Fast Journal: Day 2
Juice Fast Journal: Day 3
Juice Fast Journal: Day 4
Juice Fast Journal: Day 5

Day 1 - So Very Tired


I've had my second juice of the day, and I think I'm starting to feel some of the detox flu symptoms. I'm feeling cold, even though I'm snuggled under my favorite blanket. I really am wanting some food - I was watching the Big Bang Theory, and they were eating Chinese, and I just thought how wonderful would that delightfully greasy lo mein be? I'm trying to pass the time by setting up my room (I moved in to a new apartment just 3 days ago) and watching movies/tv shows. I know, it's a very poor way to spend your time, but it really does help.
I'm glad I started today, because now I have 2 days to get into the fast, and won't feel miserable at work. The sunset juice is really a delicious juice - not surprising given the abundance of sugar (carrots, apples, sweet potato) and the beets, which I love. I'm looking forward to Mean Green. I know it won't be as sweet, but I do love how healthy I feel when drinking green juices.


This is kind of funny. I just had the longest stomach growl ever! It was seriously like 8 seconds long. This is fine, because a growling stomach is actually your stomach reverting to its normal size after being stretched out by a meal. If it annoys you, just drink some water, it will fill you on up and slow down the shrinkage. Anyway, my detox flu seems to be getting better - I'm already feeling less lethargic (I'm not into the "crazy energy" stage yet, but I'll get there). I think I may go ahead and watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead...or should I save that until later, when the fast gets really difficult. Who couldn't use some motivation at that point?


I'm back to feeling incredibly lethargic, I want to just sleep right now, but I'm struggling to do so. I do expect to be asleep by about 9:00 tonight - much earlier than usual. Man, this is always a rough time during the fast. I'm getting some stuff done though - I think in the future, it would be wise to queue up some really easy work for these first couple of days. For example, writing an extensive post about how juice fasting works and what the plan is would be best done before the fast. Definitely hold off on any real physical work. And I just started getting a nasty headache, so I'm signing off of this entry. Oh, mean Green is pretty tasty - very tart (which I like), but if someone didn't like tartness, they could cut down on the lemon.


It's just about time for me to sleep. I'm questioning whether there is high enough of a juice consumption with my currently plan. I usually just make juice when I am hungry (every 2-3 hours) but having a specific plan means I don't have supplies for random juices. I'll think about that more fully tomorrow.


Sleep time! I'm getting super tired, and probably should just let my body freaking rest! Goodnight. Until tomorrow!

Read on to Day 2!

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