Monday, February 11, 2013

Juice Fast Journal: Day 3

I'm partaking in a 5-day juice fast. To read more about it, and see how you can do it too, check out: The Juice Fast Rules
I am going to keep a daily journal, which will be posted at the end of each day. Wish me luck! When this is all over, I will be a happier, healthier, more energetic self!

Juice Fast Journal: Day 1
Juice Fast Journal: Day 2
Juice Fast Journal: Day 4
Juice Fast Journal: Day 5


Besides a major ache in my back, last night went well. I wish I had gotten more sleep (who doesn't?) but other than that, and the sore back, it was good. I'm not sure what caused the sore back - I have a new chair and I am using a new bed which is ultra-firm, so it may be that. I think I'll need to figure out the proper position within the chair.

Looking forward to the Pink Kale this morning. Additionally, I'll make one additional juice in case I get really hungry toward the end of the day (I'm going to a juice bar with my boss for lunch) My face looks even clearer this morning, and my skin looks great - it's amazing what a high dose of fruits and veggies can do for you.

Also, I'm down an additional 3.8 pounds. I think this would be a good plan for weight loss if you were looking for a quick 10 pounds for a wedding or something, though you should keep in mind that short term losses are mostly water weight. If you go on an extended juice f(e)ast, then you will lose real weight, but for these short fasts, it's mostly water weight.


Lunch was delicious at Roots - a delightful mix of seasonal greens, apples, ginger, and lemon. Simple, yet delicious. It was not very large, however, so I'm glad I brought along my juice in a Perrier bottle just in case. It's in the fridge at work now. I'm feeling really good - pretty clear headed, a little hungry, though I have a weird taste in my mouth...detox perhaps? It's possible for your body to expel certain stored chemicals (toxins) through your mouth, which can cause a nasty taste. One time, it even made everything taste bitter for me (I had a wheat tasted like an IPA - it was too bitter for me to drink). Such a great day so far! Goooooo Juicing!


I'm watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Man, this is such a great shot in the arm. I was feeling weak today - not like I was craving food, though. I had this feeling that I would just eat later today. It was a bizarre feeling. But I know, it's 2 days until I eat solid food again. I also think it would be pretty cool if I decided to extend this :) 7 - 10 days? Nah, we'll see how I feel at the end of this.

It's always so amazing to me how much food plays a part in social life, too. It seems like by not eating, I am voluntarily making myself an outcast. That may be tough to manage, but my physical health is coming first right now. This is a change I'm making. I am playing around with how much I want vegetarianism to be part of my new life. And I just realized, I need to take note, that February 9, 2013 was the first day that everything changed. It's the turning point of my physical health - it's the switch from BC to AD.


I just finished F,S&ND - seriously, if you've never watched it...go watch it right now. I am so freaking inspired, and I think I'm going to take a walk. I need to get out of my room, and start living. Joe said in the film, "I went from being a person who knew, to a person that would do". It's time for me to do the same, Damnit! Also - loads of energy right now. I love juice fasts. I did not get enough sleep last night, though, so I need to make sure I sleep well tonight.


Another great development - the energy and feeling of control I have from doing this juice fast is spilling over into other aspects of my life. I was working on an app with a friend called Bar Crawl Bingo (essentially, you go out with your friends on a bar crawl - everyone uses the app, and you compete in a game of bingo. How do you fill in the squares? By ordering the drinks in those squares! Fun for the whole family!!!...please drink responsibly) I had completely dropped the ball on this one, and I felt awful about it, but I just didn't seem to be able to focus. Well, my buddy e-mailed me today asking if I was still in, and now that I'm turning things around with my productivity, I said yes! We just got off the phone, and we are moving again. Hoping to have the launch in time for the Spring Break Season. I love it (and big thanks to Erik for giving me the little kick in the ass I needed!)


Great night! I walked to Whole Foods to buy a strainer...they didn't have one. Fortunately, I was able to spend $28 on other stuff there (I hate that store). I bought some blood oranges and d'anjou pears...should be delicious! (The other thing I bought was some "Green Superfood" powder which is quite tasty)

Then, the lady at Whole Foods suggested Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I checked Google Maps, and Hurrah, they were open until 10! Alas, after walking there, they had closed at 9. Fortunately, the guy let me in since I had only one thing to buy. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do some price comparison, and spent $8 on a strainer that mostly meets my needs. I just was so adamant on not having pulp in my juice! Oh well. On the bright side, I walked like 4000 steps.

Lastly, I did not make my final juice this evening, so I think I will make it on Day 6. Any juices that don't get made will be pushed to a new 6th day. Interesting, huh? (Okay, not THAT interesting, but it's a great way to account for juices which are part of the menu that don't get made.

Now, I'm going to sleep while watching The Simpsons...just 'cuz.

Juice on!

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