Friday, November 4, 2011

Day #3: No Refined or Processed Carbohydrates

Day 3: Unsuccessful
Success Rate: 66.7%
Cause of failure: Mistake

First of all, I determined that the liquor would count as a processed carbohydrate. The reason is this: If you look at the description of the challenge, you'll find that I said: "just those that have had their goodness sucked out" - this is the sole reason that I determined that the liquor is not allowed. It will be so very tough, now that I have excluded liquor, but hey, it's only 30 days (and that is the point of this blog, after all).

Anyway, back to the cause of failure. At lunch, I got the same brown rice and lentils, with edammame salad, apple salad, and pesto pasta. I was so focused on the sauces surrounding these items, that I forgot that I had ordered pasta! I actually threw out the apple salad - once I tasted it, I tasted sugar in the sauce, and in the trash it went.

It was about 3 hours later that it struck me "you dummy, you ate pasta, and on day 3". Oh well, so I ate about 1/4 cup of pasta as part of the salad, and I proved I'm not human. I guess it just proves that this won't be as easy as I thought, and that I'll need to be on my toes for the whole 30 days.

On to the meals:

I am coming down with something (did I mention that already in a previous post? I think I did). I happen to know that one of the best things you can do to speed through an illness is to go on a juice fast. I went to the cafe, and bought some Naked brand "Berry Veggie" juice. I've had it many times before, and it is a great juice. It's one of their only varieties with vegetables in it.

Solid Breakfast

Well, as I mentioned already, I got the salads, and a "C-Machine" juice. Again, it works, nothing special.

I got this one at the airport. I had tried to get moved up to take the earlier flight through Minneapolis, but they couldn't do it. Oh well, I went to the Boulevard Brewery restaurant, and I got the Chili and the Southwest Salad. Chili was quite tasty - beans and meat. The salad was great - it was a spicy dressing (I hope beyond hope there was not sugar in there. I tasted it extensively, and there was no sweetness to speak of). The salad also had fajita chicken, tomatoes, cheese, avocado, and other stuff. I sidestepped the crackers, and I was on my way.

That was at about 4pm, and it was the last thing I ate for the day. I planned on grabbing an apple in First Class from Atlanta to Dallas, but I fell asleep before takeoff, then woke up after landing. I did have to sidestep the Byrd cookies in the SkyClub in Atlanta. I havent' had these before, so I wanted to give them a shot, but I have commitments to follow damnit!

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