Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why is Paul not Finishing these things?

Hey, wasn't that 30 day motivation idea awesome?
Didn't you just love that idea?
I thought there would be so much value in that experiment!
Then why did that bum not finish it?

I clearly just got lazy, unmotivated, and didn't want to do anything ever again, so I couldn't even finish a simple 30-day motivational challenge, right?


I ran into a problem of being too motivated. I couldn't contain myself!!! I thought I would learn lessons on how to keep myself motivated, and I did (to a certain extent), but when you are at your peak motivation, then how do you keep yourself from running wild!!!

I've been finding lifehacks, entrepreneurial tips, productivity tools, and have been improving the quality of life. I've found out how to get rid of a lot of the useless crap that used to consume my life, and am now running much more efficiently. With efficiency comes extra mental RAM space (See David Allen's Getting Things Done) and that leads to happiness, and the ability to think clearly. This is all good stuff!

Another issue I encountered - I set too lofty of a goal. I aimed to write once a day for 30 days. Guess what...shit happens! If I asked you to write once a day for 30 days, it sounds easy, if you can write about anything you want.

Here's the issue: I was writing once a day for 30 days, which was a 30 day challenge, and also I was trying to motivate myself once a day for 30 days. I had a 30 day challenge x2. I was trying to cram 60 days of challenge into a measly month! This was just too much for me to handle. On top of that, I had work (we just kicked off a new project, dontcha know) and all of these entrepreneurial things to tend to, that I could barely handle 15 days of challenge in 30 days, much less 60!!!

    Write once a day for 30 days
+ Self-Motivate once a day for 30 days
= 60 days of motivation needed
- 15 days of challenge that I could handle that month
= -45 days of challenge

I was at a 45 day deficit!!! You just can't argue with that math ;)  <<<That's a winky face for those who don't know

So here's my new formula for this blog:

30-day challenge = AT LEAST one post per week.
That's right, you are only guaranteed one blog full of juicy information once a week. I might post more, I might not, but I can safely commit to once per week

Another Change
I know, I know, I'm changing up the frequency of the blog, what else could I be doing?
I may be changing the format of the blog. I love the 30-day challenge as a motivational tool, it's truly a great concept, but I feel constricted. Sometimes, I just want to write about something else. I like to learn about a lot of subjects, and they don't always lend themselves to 30-day challenges.

I'd like to move to a format more like a typical blog, with 30-day challenges thrown in. I could see it being more like Steve Pavlina's blog ( which has lots of juicy information, and he'll go on different challenges from time to time (My favorite to read was the Polyphasic sleep experiment)

As for the motivation challenge. Well, I didn't finish it, but I'm still riding that motivational high from weeks ago. I'll have a follow up post about that in the coming days, with summaries and tips and all that juice information that I know you're all craving. It's coming, don't worry.

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