Monday, August 13, 2012

Oops, I forgot. Motivation Day 6

Well, I missed a couple of days. I have an excuse, but the truth is that I simply lounged a bit too much this weekend. I was active, but not too active.

I had a friend come out, and we had a grand old time - skyping with my sister while we had a few libations. It was a great time, and was good for the I don't feel guilty about it :)

Now, on to the challenge. Remember, I was supposed to find things that I finished, and start writing a list of them to show that I have a track record of completing things.

The problem is: I looked at my huge projects and said "I'm going to finish those". Then, I didn't finish them, and I started to feel like I was failing. Well, when I thought about it, I realized I had missed the point of the challenge entirely!

I should not have tried to bite off the big challenges in my life to make a list of completions - I needed to take small steps, to show that I do finish. That then becomes motivation for the bigger tasks.

My completions list:
1. Completed the expense report I was putting off at work
2. I decided which tires I want for my car (have to wait a couple of weeks before I can get them put on)
3. I finished watching all of the episodes of Boardwalk Empire (okay, that's an easy one, and no motivation was necessary, but still, I finished it!)
4. I finished making my cinnamon snap liqueur (it's delicious!)
5. I finished scanning in all my filed documents to Evernote 

So there you have it. I'm well on my way to having a rich, full, completions list, and you can too.

Tips for you

  • If you are looking to set a track record of something (for me it was finishing, but it could be anything for you: Starting, thinking, being kind to strangers, etc.) don't necessarily set lofty goals and set out to achieve them.
  • The goal is not to change your behavior right now - the goal is to recognize that you already do whatever action you are interested in increasing in your life
  • Don't let any achievement be too small - see completion #3 for me up above.

Day 7 Challenge
Embrace Your Willpower (Tip #29)

This is a simple concept, but one that everyone can benefit from.

First of all: Know that you do have willpower. It exists in all of us, but we need to strengthen it. 

"If someone were to put a large barbell weight on the floor in front of you and ask you to lift it and you knew you could not, you would not say 'I have no strength', you'd say, 'I'm not strong enough'"

We always have willpower, but if it is weak, we need to work it. If you wanted stronger arms - you would work them out, if you wanted stronger legs, you would work them out, so if you want a stronger willpower, you will work it out.

The first step is to acknowledge that you have willpower - done. I know that I have willpower. I have utilized it many times, so I know it is there.

Step two is to know that your willpower is yours to develop. I've done this before, and it worked pretty well. I would put a brownie, or cookie, or whatever, in front of me - and just stare at it. I would want it, but I would not eat it. I was testing my willpower, but also strengthening it.

My challenge, therefore, will be to take at least 5 challenges tomorrow in which I push my willpower. Perhaps it will be with a delicious treat, or the desire to sit back and watch TV, or to browse Facebook. I'm not sure what form it will take, but I will show that I do have willpower. 

I invite all of you to join me in this challenge, and post in the comments the 3-5 things you have done to strengthen your willpower!!!

This 30-day challenge is to use one tip per day from the book "100 Way to Motivate Yourself" by Steve Chandler. The goal is to find great methods for self-motivation which can be used in the future.

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