Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oh My God I'm so Motivated!!! Motivation Day 1

Day One
Day one is nearly complete. As a reminder, my challenge was to imagine my future self, and then live into it.

Obviously, I can't complete all of that in one day. I can imagine my future self, but I can't "live into it" in a single day! So I bit off the do-able piece: Imagine my future self.

Now, the gold standard for imagining the future is the "home of the future" videos from like 50 years ago, so I'll try to follow that style!

The Paul of the Future

The Paul of the future is a sleek model, wearing the finest bespoke Italian suits. He is surrounded by friends as he tours the world, learning new cultures, and expanding his incredible business empire. Since he first began his meteoric rise, he has been adored by many, and envied by more.

Today, he is setting up a new production plant for the newest model of human interfacing neural driven synthetic upright motor vehicle. Since the original model of his genius device was first developed, humanity has changed forever.

But once this plant is set up, the day is not over - Paul will be sleeping on his private Jet as he heads to his private island in the Caribbean, where he will be meeting with a world leader (Mr. Recchia could not disclose the identity of this world leader to us for security reasons). When he isn't courting business relationships, and cultural relationships, Mr. Recchia is enjoying his favorite relationship - his wife and two kids - Paul Jr., and Satorica. *I'm guessing girls will have really weird names by then* He enjoys spending time with his family at their home in the United States of North and South America.

Paul Recchia - the perfect combination of health, intelligence, creativity, relationship builder, and family man.

And scene.

I think that's a pretty damn good life to aspire to live. That's a great Paul to become. So the way I see it, that is a long term goal. The problem is, that could be a long way off - where do I start? Well today, I began eating healthier for a start (to get to that "sleek model" status) and I felt like I was carrying myself differently - standing up straighter, speaking with a stronger voice, taking charge. I began feeling like my future self.

It is said that when Michelangelo came upon the huge piece of Marble that would become David, that he could see David in the marble - he just needed to reveal him. I feel like I have this great new self within me - I just need to reveal him. Right now, at this very moment, I have my future self sitting here - I just have to give him a chance to get out. When I got my salad today, I felt like that other Paul was getting that salad. It's a very cool, yet bizarre feeling.

For some other methods for picturing your future self, here are some resources:
Weight Mirror - If weight loss is your game, you can see what you will look like!
Guidelines for imagining your future self
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler

Day 2 Challenge
Don't Just Do Something...Sit There (Tip #18)

The point is to take time to just sit there, and let the Universe reveal itself to you. When you remove distraction, your mind is free to run wild. Instead of finding something busy to do, just sit there, and enjoy the time. You don't need to actively "think", you need to break down the wall and let the world bring the solutions to your doorstep.

This is one that has echoes in many of the most successful people ever. Bill Gates is notorious for taking time to just think (See Lifehacker for a nice article about this)

I've known this for a while - but Steve does identify a great point:

"Sometimes, in my seminars on motivation, a person will ask me, 'Why is it that I get my best ideas when I'm in the shower?'
I usually ask the person, ' When else during your day are you alone with yourself without any distractions?'
If the person is honest, the answer is never."

This is a fantastic point, and I had recently noticed that when I drive, I have absolute clarity. I can think on unprecedented levels in my car. I have personal insight, and when I stop driving, it stops!

So tomorrow, I'll be finding some time to just sit and think, and try to ignore all other distractions. Maybe in the morning, maybe in the evening, maybe in the bathroom during work, who knows. I will do it, though!

This 30-day challenge is to use one tip per day from the book "100 Way to Motivate Yourself" by Steve Chandler. The goal is to find great methods for self-motivation which can be used in the future.

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