Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fake it 'til you Make it...NOT!

I take issue with the statement "fake it 'til you make it", because it sounds deceptive. It can be a good concept when you are looking at your personality, and your mood, but it is rarely used properly. Usually, it means you are going to pretend that you are something you are not, and try to deceive others.

This is effective when you look at body language and your mindset. If you force yourself to think happy thoughts (fake it), eventually you will be happier (make it). If you force yourself to take a confident stance (fake it), then you will eventually develop more confidence (make it).

I prefer the term in this format:
Fake it and you'll make it

This more accurately describes what we should do with this age old wisdom, and making this one mental shift can have a major effect on your day-to-day life.

For a more specific discussion, see the video below. I'm excited, because this is my first recorded blog post!!!



  1. I learned that in retail to always smile, or fake it till you make it. Meaning till your in a good mood. We had to smile and say hello to everyone we saw in the store. People liked it. And I liked the job.

  2. Retail seems to have really figured this one out. There is not a gesture I can think of which has a more powerful effect on someone than a simple smile. It's easy to do, but it has a truly fantastic effect!

  3. I certainly support the idea of smiling when you see someone. It does usually result in a smile from them too. I had not heard about catching their eyes first but I can see how that would be better.

    I also didn't know that you could train the fascia. Nice tip.
