Monday, October 31, 2011

Challenge #1: No Refined or Processed Carbohydrates

This is it, my first challenge.

Challenge: No Refined or Processed Carbohydrates

Description: I will give up all refined and processed sugars. This includes, but is not limited to: White sugar, brown sugar, white rice, pasta, barbecue sauce, most salad dressings, bread, cookies, chocolate, candy, chocolate milk, and many, many more.

Date of challenge: Nov, 1, 2011 - Nov 30, 2011

Perceived Difficulties: Avoiding hidden sugars. The salad dressings, the sauces, the "sweetened" items that have no business being sweetened.

Expected level of difficulty (On a scale of 1-10): 7

Substitutions: As I do not regularly eat "synthetic" foods (i.e. no splenda, or other fake sweeteners/ fake carbs) I do not have many substitutions available. If I had said only refined sugars were gone, this would be easier than wiping out refined and processed.

How do I feel about it: I fully expect this to be difficult, but it shouldn't be too bad. I have done Atkins/South Beach before, so I understand where most of the hidden sugars are - and I am not giving up ALL sugar and carbohydrates, just those that have had their goodness sucked out. I'm not looking forward to working in Vegas with this restriction, however.

The most difficult piece of this challenge will be: No beer, as that is a processed carbohydrate, and also, Thanksgiving.

Well, time for my last meal with the bad carbs!

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