Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Have You Set Your 2013 Goals Yet?

Is 2013 going to be a year of success, or a year of failure?

It's up to you, but based on the weak sign up rates for the Goal Reminders, I'm guessing it'll be a year of failure (or at least of limited success) for many of you.

I really, truly want all of you to sign up for the 2013 Goal Reminders (link on right, or the form is below). It takes 5 minutes tops (that includes the time to think through your goals). 

The way it works
  1. You sign up for the reminders - include your name, e-mail address (spam free, I promise) and 1-3 goals for the year
  2. Then, on pre-determined dates (below), you'll receive an e-mail that shows your goals, and has a quick tip
  3. You continue to work towards your goals, reminded, and assisted along the way
  4. When 2014 rolls around, your life is measurably better

When will I get the e-mails?

When I first wrote about the program, I didn't have the dates finalized. Now, the program is finalized, and the dates are as follows. You'll receive a Goal Reminding e-mail on:
  • January 14
  • February 4
  • March 4
  • April 1
  • May 6
  • June 3
  • July 1
  • August 5
  • September 2
  • October 7
  • November 4
  • December 2

What is it really going to cost?

For you. Nothing
For me, there are costs associated with the mail service I use, but I so badly want you to achieve your goals, that I am willing to accept that cost. 
No, you will not receive any spammy, or salesy e-mails from me by signing up. I hate it when blogs pull that crap, so I vowed never to do that to my readers.

You are Not an Island

In the previous post about goals, I stated that I do not have any goals for 2013. Well, that's not exactly fair. Here I am, asking you to set your goals, and I'm being a little b**** not setting goals of my own. After thinking about this for a while, I realized I was using a cop-out, and so I spent some time thinking, and I set 3 2013 goals for myself.

My 2013 Goals

  1. Increase Padorec Subscriptions by 200 (This gets you updates from the blog - completely free for you)
  2. Lose 50 pounds
  3. Launch 3 products into test mode
Those are in order. My #1 goal is to increase subscriptions by 200. 
I am also getting the e-mails to keep me on top of things!

Set Your Own SMART Goals!

For tips, see the previous post: Skip the Resolutions, 2013 is a Year for Goals
Euchrefan had a great comment on using the SMART Method:
To further the definition of a "good" goal. I have used the S.M.A.R.T. method. 

Time bound

This seems to align with your notes above. I like the use of SMART goals because it's easy to remember and it helps you think through the goals to make sure they are written clearly. 

Also, the goals don't have to all be for the year. You may have a goal you'd like to achieve by lets say August. So it's okay to include that in your goal so you've given it priority. 

I haven't made any resolutions in decades. And I haven't got any specific goals right now. So I think this is a good time for me to do it. 

Thanks for the reminder.

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