Sunday, November 4, 2012

Entrepreneurs vs. Small Business Owners

I'd like to clarify something that is a small pet peeve of mine. It's the difference between Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners.

Some people obsess over they're, their, and there. For others, it's to, too, and two. For others still, it's where, we're, and were. For me, it's Entrepreneur and Small Business Owner.

An Entrepreneur is someone who uses his innovative nature, ingenuity, and creativity to effect major change in business.

A Small Business Owner is someone who owns a small business

Sometimes, an entrepreneur is a small business owner. Sometimes, a small business owner is an entrepreneur. They are not one in the same.

By this logic:
  • A McDonalds owner is a Small Business Owner
  • The founder of is an entrepreneur
  • An employee at Exxon who finds a new way to sell oil in a more effective and clean way is an entrepreneur
See, you don't have to be a small business owner to be an entrepreneur!

The reason I bring this up is that I just saw this video:

This video annoys the hell out of me, because it does not make any distinction on the terminology. 

Remember, just because you work in a corporate environment doesn't mean that you can't be entrepreneurial. Being entrepreneurial in a corporation is how you get big promotions, and ultimately how you end up running one. Those "big whigs" didn't get there by playing by the rules and following the status-quo.

Note that I am not bashing small business owners here. Small business owners are greatly helpful to our economy as well, and there is a place for them. Just because you use a model that has been tested to work in the past doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong! Just call yourself the right thing - you are a small business owner.

So, a recap:
  • Convenience Store Owner = Small Business Owner
  • Convenience Store Owner who offers an innovative new loyalty program = Entrepreneur
  • Google employee who thought up gmail = Entrepreneur
Got it? Good. 

Knowledge is power!

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