Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dorm Survival Guides - Calling all contributors

Well, I hate to post this, because I currently have 69 posts on this blog, and that's just awesome, the show must go on!

I have decided to produce a series of Dorm Survival guides, they will be easy to read guides covering all aspects of surviving dorm life. I hope it will assist many people who are going into the dorms. I am calling all contributors now!!!

What you get for contribution:
Your name in print in the guides.
A free copy of the guide (depending on the extent of your contribution)

If you are interested in contributing stories, tips, or anything you'd like to say about living in the dorms, e-mail me at recchiap@gmail.com

Again, any cool stories, tips, advice, are appreciated. If you would like to contribute but don't know what to say, e-mail me, and I will help you understand what we are talking about.

*Note: NO COMPENSATION will be given to contributors unless explicitly stated by me, Paul Recchia, in writing.

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