Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Where has Paul Been???

Wow, I can't believe it has been over a MONTH since I last posted. The honest truth is: I have been WAAAAAAY busy. I've had school, work, life, and I lost track of my blog :( but I'm back!!!

So, what have I been up to? Well I finished up my Junior year at Michigan State (man that feels weird to say) and, save for a small 3.5 blemish from a class I went to...oh, I don't know, 3 times in the semester, I had a 4.0 (woot!) To get that 4.0 (almost), however, I worked my butt off. I also had life: let's face it, junior year of college, there is a LOT to do, and this was definitely one of my more social semesters. I had made some new friends, and some new traditions that ate up a lot of time. Who could say no to dollar burgers on Wednesdays? And now! I have work. I got out of school on the 8th of April, and I began work on the 19th. That time in between consisted of plenty of packing, flying, driving, traveling, unpacking, moving in, learning a new area, etc.

Well, I am happy to say, I am finally getting well settled in my new home (for 12 weeks at least) in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Where is Wilkes-Barre? It's very close to Scranton (which The Office fans have surely heard of) and is actually quite a nice town. I was not quite sure what to expect...a friend's brother told me that all there was to do in Wilkes-Barre was "sniff coal dust and look at poverty". I was worried to say the least. I got here, and it turns out it is quite a charming CITY. Not a town, a city, it's actually a fair sized city, not so small that you can't find anything to do, not so large that you feel anonymous within its' limits.

I am now working for Kraft Foods in the Export Control group. This was a HUGE surprise for me, especially since I was originally told I would be working in Chicago (wtf?) but then I got assigned to Wilkes-Barre (pronounced WILLKS-BARRY) and I was a little mad, I began thinking "maybe I should have waited for Staples...maybe I should have gone with Holcim! I mean, I wanted a consulting job, but I didn't get one, and now I am stuck in the middle of no where, I only took this job because I was afraid of not getting another job..." Well, it turned out to be a blessing.

First of all, the people/culture at Kraft are to be envied by everyone; very laid back, and yet professional. I am in the export control group, which means INSTANT international exposure. Whether or not I decide to take a role with Kraft (if I am offered one), I will have that to talk about, and international experience is vital in today's world. We get plenty of free food (it's Kraft, they have like 49238135109 brands), and I get the benefit of working for a fortune 100 company, who has like 6-8 brands over a Billion Dollars, and like 500 over $100 M. It is unreal how many huge names are actually Kraft.

Remember, just because you may think you've made a horrible decision, it may work out for the best. I am now at Kraft, in their Export group, meeting GREAT people, making GREAT networking connections, and I am actually coming in as some sort of a consulting role. They take me seriously, and are interested in hearing what I have to say, and how I can apply my school learning to their company. "You may find a better way to do something, then a year later, someone new comes along and finds an even better way to do it, you've got to be flexible, and ready to accept better ways of doing things," one of my managers said to me.

I will be taking pictures/video of my apartment here in Wilkes-Barre, so you can all see it. I have had plenty of fun outings already: we went as an office to see the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees, one of the Yankee's AAA teams play, and they had some really sweet firework after the show. The next day, I got to go golfing with some guys from the office (including the director of the office I work at), and in 8 days, I turn 21 (woot!). I plan on doing PLENTY of traveling (this weekend, I go to Pittsburgh) to Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Roanoke, Boston, and Dallas (I'll be there for the 4th of July :D )

Hopefully I will have more time to write. I have done some reading on Neville's Financial Blog, and I realized that in trying to find ways to make money on the Internet/in a dorm room, I have focused WAY too much on selling, and could focus on services. A lot of his business ideas are service based; I guess because I grew up making a small fortune (for my age) on e-bay, I am just used to selling physical goods.

I will hopefully be coming up with some new business ideas in the near future (gotta get some beer money somehow)

Until then, I bid you adieu.

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