Monday, March 2, 2009

A note on risk taking

So, an aspect of ANY business is risk. If you want to start any business, you will be taking a risk. I found this interview by one of my favorite Food Network stars, Alton Brown, and I think it is a great one to watch about risk taking. Learn to live a little, and feel that raw emotion of fear, and risk.

I am usually quite risk averse, and that is something I want to fix. No one has ever made lots of money by being truly risk averse. You might make a good living, but you know what, you'll never be one of the greats!

Give that a watch, and I am SO sorry I've been so nonexistent on this blog the past few months. I have been incredibly swamped, but I am going to make a commitment to working on this blog more. I owe each and every one of you an apology.

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