Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guest Post: Thomas Jowers on Worms

Thomas Jowers is a blogger out of Abilene, TX. He is attending (at the time of the start of his blog) Hardin Simmons University. I've chosen 2 of his blogs to illustrate the amazing creativity that is out there. You can read more of his blog over at

The premise of his blog is to post about his goal of generating at least one dollar a day through strategic investments.

Without further adieu, here are two of his posts that I found interesting.

New Idea
Labels: Posted by SeekerBug on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 1:45 PM

I had a great idea for a small money making business (I hope).

I was trying to find something that I could do to help the environment. (I was actually going to buy a solar phone charger off of ebay) I was looking on ebay for ideas, solar power, wind turbines, etc..... then I came upon vermiculture! That is where you have a worm/bed and you put shredded paper and food scraps into the worm pile and they eat it. After a while, you have organic matter for your garden, since I just planted my herb/tomato/onion garden last week, I liked this idea. Plus...since I do a lot of stuff online, I am always printing items off, giving me an abundance of paper.

So I decided I was going to do it, all I need is the supplies, I already have dirt! I need some containers, (I am sure I can find some barrels in my grandpa's scrap pile for free) All I really need is the worms, (and I am too busy to catch my own) so I went to the bait store to buy some worms, THEY WERE OUT!!!!!!! I told the old guy what I wanted the worms for and he said that if I can get a colony started, he would buy all of his worms from me!!!! (The red wiggler type, not the night crawlers)

So here is my thinking....I recycle paper and food scraps......saving them from the landfill, and I get worms to sell! From the little research that I have done so far, it shouldn't take much capital to set up and hardly any to maintain.

I will post a list of items needed to do this, a business plan, how much this is costing me, and the plans and pictures of me building my home made vermiculture farm.

From what I have read, you can do this on a small scale in a house -or- garage and won't take up a lot of precious time. So, there you go, let me see if I can make some money and save the planet at the same time! If you already have tried this, send me some tips or insights!I actually started out with the intentions of just helping the environment, then the money bug hit me when I found a small niche that I could inhabit.

Those Recycling Worms
Labels: Posted by SeekerBug on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 5:14 PM

This post will be updated periodically as needed. If you remember, I started the work project for two reasons: to make money and to do something Green!

So...on this post I will keep track of how much has been recycled or saved from the landfill!

To start out:
2 tires
2 plastic barrels
1 newspaper
1 pc of junk mail

March 20th
3 pc of junk mail
coffee grounds
coffee filter

March 24th
Some brown lettuce that I forgot to eat in the fridge, about 1/4 pound

April 2nd
about 4 cups of green ruffage from when I was cleaning some vegetables

April 17th
Coffee grounds
2 tea bags from Starbucks (I had a cup of tea for lunch)
*How many other worms do you know of that get Starbucks! LOL

April 31st
1 newspaper
3 pc junk mail

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