Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cheap Dorm Food

Well, I tried making the quesadilla's, and they were dynamite! It was simple, tortilla down, mexican cheese spread out on it, meijer brand chili powder sprinkled over top, and another tortilla. Microwaved it for like 20 seconds, and it was awesome. This will sound weird, but it reminded me of the really good spot in a bean burrito from Taco know, the sauce pocket that always forms and is really the best part of the burrito. This entire quesadilla was like that; the tortilla got soft, (since there was no direct heat, it couldn't become crispy) but I kind of liked that, it was a very different quesadilla, and I loved it.

My spring break plans are set now. I'm heading to Detroit for like 4 days, and then heading out to Texas for another 4 days. The Canada trip was put on hold due to lack of interest, it will happen at a later time. I like this anyway, I get to see some family in Detroit, and then see my Parents and friends in Dallas too, so it's not too bad.

I am going to upload my webstore soon, it should be coming out in the coming week hopefully...actually, I think I'll wait till after spring break to do it, so I'll actually be here to ship out items in the even that I get any orders.

I had a plan for a little business to start over the summer. Inspired by Neville's water selling idea (see it here) I am going to try to find a way to sell drinks/candy at the pool this summer. I have to contact the homeowner's association to see if I can do this. I figure I'll offer them a share of the profits, and then to help with trash, I'll offer a refund if the kids bring back the trash, to encourage them to throw things away. Of course we'll clean up at the end of the day anyway. I am going to try to get a few friends in on this, so we could share posts, and also the costs. I thought about this for a while last year too, and I figured out we could make a KILLING on this stuff if it sold. There is relatively little startup costs, just the candy, drinks, and wood/paint to make the stand. It folds up real nicely, into very little to carry, if I build it right, it will be great.

The Front of the Stand, with a plastic window to display candy.

The Back of the stand, where we would sit
This is the stand all folded up. The top comes off
Another View

We would paint the stand, and come up with a different name, this is just a 3D model to show what it would look like, approximately. I think it could be a very profitable model. I put together a quick spreadsheet just for the candy, using a supplier I found online. I see high potential. Unfortunately, I can't get the image to work right now, but the numbers are good, ranging from a 44% markup to 114% markup. Woot!

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