Monday, October 8, 2007

Dorm room Business is going to get a store

All I need to be working on right now is the store design. I'm a little rusty on my web design skills, so this is taking longer than anticipated as I relearn everything I've forgotten. If anyone would like to volunteer their skills, I'm sure I could make it worth your while. Anyway, I'm also looking to get glow shot glasses. You squeeze them, and they produce a neon glow for hours. It looks like a lot of fun, and I know that many kids in my dorm alone would LOVE those. I still haven't decided for sure whether I will be targeting kids or adults. I originally thought I would target those mothers who are sending their kids away and want to buy them everything, but there's only so many products you can sell to them, so I started looking at selling to college kids who may not have money, or the drive to order something.

I've been a little lazy lately, partly driven by the new highs in October. People should be wearing sweaters, not flip flops. This heat isn't pleasant in my non-air-conditioned dorm room either. It is supposed to dip tomorrow though so I will probably see an increase in my focus. I know it sounds crazy, but it really does affect me...the weather/temperature that is.

Other than that, there's not much to report, I'll make a big deal at the next break through. I'm still VERY pleased with my logo, and the other buttons/designs I've made. I think it looks like it fits with the name I've chosen. As always, I love your feedback.

If you are reading this on the imported facebook notes, you can find the full blog at

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