Sunday, August 19, 2007

Roommate, part 2, plus much much more

My roommate seems like he'll be really cool. I checked out his facebook, and he likes most of the same shows I do, and quite a few of the same bands. We're pretty similar. He's also pretty chill, which is good, and it means he'll probably be laid back a bout these little money making experiments.

I just today changed my schedule, instead of taking Financial Bank and Money Markets, I'm taking racquetball I. I want to take the Econ class, but I looked up the professor, and he has a crazy hard curve. This way, I have 12 credits, which means easier 4.0, and I save like $600 when you factor in the book I don't have to buy. I'm pretty excited about this, it means I will be starting every morning Monday-Thursday with exercise...awesome!

I go back the 23rd, and move in the 24th. I'm pretty psyched because my grandma is making my mom and I food on Thursday...WOOT! I love the breaded chicken, I can't freaking wait. I'll miss my friends here, but it's time to go back. Hopefully all my friends stay friends while I'm gone, so I don't have to split myself up between them...I also need to find a way to start making money soon. I'm gonna spend around $1500 on school fees/expenses I think, just when I get back.

My Professor I'm working with on research already contacted me so we can make a time to meet and start working again. I think it was easier when we hadn't made contact yet last year, and I got paid for august for doing nothing :) I guess I don't get that luxury this year. I get paid the 15th, plus I still have like $100 from my summer job at LISD, which NEEDS to hit my account soon.

Anyway, I've kept you for a while, so I'll be gone.

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